Praying for an intention means bringing a specific request, need, or gratitude to God in prayer. This can be done privately, or with your community by inviting them to join you in prayer. In this article, we’ll share the steps on how you can pray for intentions in the app.
How to create and pray for an intention
There are two ways to pray for an individual intention, by selecting an available intention in the Community Tab or by entering an intention from an individual prayer session before you pray.
Option 1: Create & pray for intentions before you start a prayer
Follow these steps to create a prayer intention or select others’ intentions to pray for, starting with a specific prayer session:
Select any prayer session (excluding music) from the Hallow app.
You should see 2 buttons: Play Session and Pray for an Intention. Select Pray for an Intention.
Enter your prayer intention, and tap Done.
Tap on the eye icon 👁️ to check which groups you want to share the intention with.
If you want the prayer to be private, uncheck all groups.
Tap Post Intention
You also have the option to scroll to the right and select the prayer intentions of others from your community to pray for those intentions at this time.
Select Pray for (#) Intention to pray for your intentions with Hallow. 🙏🏽
Option 2: Create & pray for intentions from the Community Tab
The Community Tab allows you to view and pray for intentions shared within your Church, Groups, and Friends. You can choose to pray for a single intention, multiple intentions, or all intentions within a community. This feature helps you support others through prayer and stay connected with your faith community. To get started, open the Community Tab and navigate to your desired Church, Group, or Friends community.
To create a prayer intention from within the Community Tab follow these steps:
Tap New Intention at the top of your Community Tab
Type your intention
If you’d like to change the background color, you can do so at this stage by clicking the color wheel at the top.
Select which groups you want to share your intention with by tapping the eye icon 👁️ at the bottom of the card.
Tap Post Intention.
To pray for other people’s intentions from within the Community Tab, follow these steps:
Scroll through the intentions carousel or manually browse the list of intentions.
Select an intention.
Tap Pray for to offer your prayer.
How to pray for multiple intentions
Select the first intention found on the intentions carousel.
Tap the Pray for button in the bottom right corner.
Swipe to the next intention and select it.
Repeat Step 3 for each additional intention.
Once you’ve selected all the intentions, tap Pray for (#) Intentions at the bottom.
If you want to pray for all of the intentions, swipe through all of the intentions until you reach the end. Tap Pray for All Intentions to pray for every intention in the community.
❤️ You can react to the intentions shared in the Community Tab to show your support. To do so, simply tap the heart icon at the bottom right corner when viewing the intention.
How to change the privacy of your prayer intentions
Before you post your intention, you can make it private or choose which groups you share it with. The app will remember your most recent preferences, so make sure to check your current sharing status before tapping Post Intention.
To manage who you share your prayer intentions with, or to keep them private, follow these steps:
Once you've finished typing your intention, type Done.
At the bottom, you'll find a few sharing options indicated by the eye emoji 👁️: All groups, (#) groups, or Private. Select your preferences by checking and unchecking who to share with.
If you want to make the prayer intention private, uncheck all the groups. If it's set to Private, your intention will only be added to your journal.
If you choose All groups or (#) groups, your intention will be shared.
Once you've made your selection, click Done.
It should now show as either Private or the group/community you selected.
Tap Post Intention.
How to view all of the intentions you've shared
To view all of the intentions you shared with your group and the ones you kept private, follow these steps:
Tap the Me tab, found at the bottom right corner.
Below your name and bio, tap Journal.
Then tap Intentions
There is no option to edit an intention. You can delete the one you created and create a new one.
You can also invite the wider Hallow community to pray with you through our Prayer Campaigns feature!
We’re always here to help when you need it. You can reach out through this purple chat window on the bottom-right corner or e-mail us at